Flood Information Services

The City offers a variety of- services to mitigate flooding risks and support residents and business owners.

(1) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)

The FIRM sets forth areas within the City that are located within Special Flood Hazard Areas. If you are unsure of the flood risks at your property, the city can provide information from the FIRM given your property address. The City can provide the Base Flood Elevation for your specific property. The Base Flood Elevation, or BFE, is the elevation that flood waters are anticipated to rise given a storm with a 1% chance or recurrence. The City can also provide information on historic floods and areas that are more prone to flooding based on specific local factors that may not be reflected on the FIRM. Contact the Floodplain Administrator at 772-64-6315 or by email or feel free to stop by the Community Development Department at 22 S. Orange Street.

(2) Elevation Certificates

The City maintains Elevation Certificates for all structures constructed within the Special Flood Hazard Area shown on the City’s FIRM. An elevation certificate provides information related to the structures elevation in comparison to the base flood elevation. Surveyors usually prepare such certificates during the construction of a structure. The City uses these certificates to determine compliance with flood regulations. Click to view a specific elevation certificate, or stop by the Community Development Department at 22 S. Orange Street..

(3) Flood Protection Assistance

If requested, the Floodplain Administrator and Public Works Superintendent will visit a property to review its flood problem and explain possible ways to stop flooding or prevent flood damage. This is a free service. The Floodplain Administrator can be reached at (772) 646-6315, and the Public Works Superintendent can be reached at (772) 646-6316. Please check out these services, especially if you are in a flood plain or have experienced a flood, drainage or sewer backup problem.

(4) Flood Insurance

The City is available to assist property owners in coordinating with real estate brokers or financial institutions related to flood insurance requirements. Federal law requires that a flood zone determination be done as a condition of a federally backed grant or loan to determine if the structure is in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and if so, to require flood insurance. Although the City can determine whether a property is in the SFHA or not, it is up to the lender to determine whether flood insurance is required for a property. Even if a property is not in a SFHA, a flood insurance policy can still be required by a lender as it may still be subject to local drainage problems or other unmapped flood hazards. If you feel the Lender’s determination may be in error, you have the right to challenge the lender’s map determination. Because of the City’s participation in the Community Rating System of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, flood insurance from the NFIP is available for any property in this city. To access additional information on flood insurance, select the Flood Insurance tab.

(5) Flood Links

The City maintains links to various flood-related internet sites that may provide additional information of value.  Click here for the links